Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Under Compression

Thanks to some dude on ebay and $4 I got 50 La Salle alumni cards. These will provide me with minutes of enjoyment. Hopefully I will unlock some secrets to La Sallian success through these relics. If archaeologists can do it with broken dishes and pieces of tibia (great band name, feel free) then I should be able to do it with these cards.

First up, the best card out of the bunch.

I wonder what is helping Lionel rebound so hard and causing dude between his legs (pause) to look up at the L Train in awe....hmmmm........oh, I don't know, maybe the perfect length compression shorts?

The compression short is part jock strap, part spandex, part loving hug for your legs. Wearing the compression short is like dancing - do it right and look awesome. Do it wrong and look kinda like a girl.

Late 80's early 90's, compression shorts underneath your champion mesh shorts was very necessary. The bicycle hat and the Sizzler eating was optional.

So what happened? If me and Lionel and Sidney looked so awesome in compression shorts, why aren't we still wearing them?

Damn boosters. La Salle has never recovered.